NEW Microlearning Course for the Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment

February 4, 2021
An optimal interprofessional CLE is a pivotal place for cultivating knowledge, behaviors and values that prepare future clinicians and support practicing clinicians and their teams.
Now more than ever, there is a growing emphasis among health professions accrediting and regulatory bodies, as well as professional organizations, on the clinical learning environment (CLE) and teamwork as key to the improvement of healthcare education and delivery.
CAIPER's first microlearning course, Learning Together: Teamwork Toolkit for the Clinical Learning Environment, is designed to provide a timely and practical introduction to the CLE.
About the course
Developed with the support of the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation's Global Health Collaboratory, this new microlearning course is designed for students and clinicians in all health professions across all practice settings. Learners who successfully complete the course will earn a digital credential in the Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment issued by the Arizona State University Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research.
The course’s seven microlearning modules, each roughly 15 minutes in length, are especially effective for engaging every team member in discussions about improving their CLE.
This course prepares learners to recognize and implement essential knowledge, skills and tools needed to build an optimal interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment.
Each microlearning module prepares learners to recognize and implement strategies for an optimal interprofessional CLE. Course topics include:
- High-performance teamwork
- How to engage patients and families as members of the team
- Care coordination for high-risk populations
- Team values and tips to support professional well-being
- Strategies for measuring team and CLE effectiveness
In speaking about the development goals, course author and Founding Director of the Arizona State University Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research, Gerri Lamb, PhD, said:
“We wanted to provide short and practical information in a CLE “starter-set” that clinicians, teams and students could use to orient themselves to important features of optimum clinical learning environments. We chose topics that will enhance team practice and outcomes for everyone in the CLE.”
The CLE and microlearning
CAIPER' Director spoke about the growing importance of the CLE in healthcare practice and education:
With the increased focus on the CLE and team-based care delivery within the CLE, this course is essential for the preparation of all health profession students. The modules are a dynamic and versatile approach to re-engaging team members with the core values and practices associated with interprofessionalism.
CAIPER Center Director, Barret Michalec
Yvonne Price, CAIPER’s Associate Director, who managed the course development and creative design, commented:
"Today’s learners, whether student or professional, are looking for bite-sized chunks they can quickly digest and come back to as needed. This microlearning course focuses on providing important, useable information for busy students and professionals."
Building training for today's learners
The CAIPER Interprofessional By Design® Microlearning Course on the Clinical Learning Environment is the latest addition to CAIPER’s library of online and eLearning products for training and education. Development of their next major program, Interprofessional Training in Empathy, Affect and Mindfulness – an I-TEAM By Design™ course, is already underway.
Cost and registration details
The course is offered through ASU Continuing Professional Education at a cost of $39 for individuals. Package pricing is available for educational institutions, professional organizations, non-profits and businesses. Please email caiper@asu.edu for details.
Visit the course page on the CAIPER website to read more, or click below to go the registration page.
The Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CAIPER) is a member of the faculty, student and practice community at Arizona State University (ASU), the #1 ranked university in the US for innovation every year since 2016. CAIPER is housed within the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Edson College) in Phoenix, Arizona with extensive local, state, and national networks of academic and clinical health care programs and organizations.
About Edson College Global Health Collaboratory
The Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation Global Health Collaboratory is dedicated to extending Edson College programs beyond organizational or geographic boundaries, connecting the College with local, national, and international communities.
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