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CAIPER reimagines teamwork and collaboration to transform healthcare.

We provide evidence-based strategies, training, and education to increase understanding of team collaboration and its impact on healthcare.

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Engage diverse groups to advance interprofessional practice, education, and research

Pioneer novel and forward-thinking research, programming, and interventions


Identify and disseminate key scholarship and advancements in the field of interprofessionalism

From the Desk of CAIPER


Interprofessional education in virtual world

Dr. Heidi Sanborn presents a template for faculty looking to expand interprofessional education (IPE) offerings in their courses and make IPE available to their online learners. It features a free, expandable, and customizable learning activity that can be offered across departments, colleges, and universities at no cost to students and programs. This fully developed learning activity is an effective and affordable solution for online faculty looking to bring IPE into the virtual world.

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March 1, 2017

Interprofessional leadership

There is a growing emphasis on the idea of joy in the workplace and a push to add a 4th Aim for Healthcare’s Triple Aim focused on positive practice environments for clinicians. It is easy to understand why this is so important.  We have 30+ years worth of data that has identified positive practice environments for clinicians are associated with better outcomes for patients, the workforce and organizations.

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February 7, 2017

News & Events

NCIPE CAIPER grant team

This past October, I traveled to Minneapolis with CAIPER team member Dr. Karen Saewert to join the Interprofessional by Design™: Meeting at the Crossroads to Accelerate Leadership Competency and Readiness for Transition to Interprofessional Practice, six-member grant team for a kickoff institute with the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (NCIPE).

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November 15, 2016

CAIPER National Award Winners

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