From Our Team to Yours: Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming



In early 2020, as the COVID pandemic was changing life for everyone, the CAIPER team started thinking about how we could help. One small thing we felt we could contribute was sharing practical ways we’ve learned from our own work and from education and practice members of the Arizona Nexus, and our national interprofessional colleagues and networks, to work as virtual teams and to teach teamwork and collaboration at a distance.

As a team who had been working together remotely for 6 years, we were invited to do a webinar for the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education about remote teaming. 


Presentation Slides

From Our Team to Yours: Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming




Preferred Attribution

Lamb, G.., Price, Y., Karamehmedovic, N., Thompson, J. (2020, March). From Our Team to Yours: Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming. Webinar presented by National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.

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