What You Need to Know to Advance Team-Based Care and Return on Investment: Integrated Care and Care Coordination

February 1, 2018
By Gerri Lamb
Have you ever wondered how you can create a compelling case for teamwork – for your practice, for your organization or for your students? Are you familiar with strategies and tools to improve care coordination and integrated care?
CAIPER and the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (NCIPE) have partnered to answer these questions in a very active and practical three-day workshop March 28-30, 2018 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Participants will learn and practice strategies and tools for high performance teamwork in care coordination and integrated care – and how to translate team roles, activities and outcomes into dollars.
Learn from the experts
Faculty experts and members of CAIPER’s Interprofessional by Design team, Dr. Gerri Lamb and Dr. Lesley Manson, will take workshop participants through three active and engaging days. Dr. Lamb is well known for her presentations and books on care coordination and case management. Dr. Manson works extensively with healthcare organizations on evaluating integrated care quality and return on investment. Both are well recognized speakers in the fields of interprofessional and team-based healthcare and integrated health.
Who will benefit
interprofessional teamsThe workshop is designed for all healthcare professionals in faculty, practice and administrative roles. Experience or advanced skills in care coordination, integrated care or return on investment (ROI) calculations are not required to participate. Regardless of prior knowledge or experience, by day three Drs. Lamb and Manson will have participants developing their own team-based ROI relevant to the work they’re doing.
Faculty will walk away with insights, tools and strategies to prepare students for team practice in care coordination and integrated care. Practitioners will walk away with insights, tools and strategies ready for immediate application. All participants will gain an understanding of how to turn their teamwork activities into return on investment.
Three days of hands-on training
interprofessional workgroupThe first day will focus on translating high performance teamwork into return for you and your organization. Participants will learn about optimizing team-based care, including roles, goals, and outcomes, as well as high performance teamwork for integrated physical and mental health services.
On the second day, the faculty experts will introduce tools and strategies for care coordination and complex care management. Day two also brings in the focus on ROI, with a look at the connection between integrated care, care coordination and ROI, as well as an introduction to ROI analysis.
The last day will challenge participants to calculate the ROI of their role on their team, and calculate their team’s ROI. The day will wrap up with a focus on how to sustain high performance teamwork.
How to register
The three-day workshop will be held at the ASU SkySong Innovation Center in Scottsdale, AZ. A reduced rate of $1295 is now available for Arizona Nexus collaborators and ASU affiliates!
Visit the workshop registration page for details on location, cost, venue and continuing education.
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