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CAIPER Trainings

Introduction to Interprofessional Team-Based Care


caiper training - introduction to interprofessional team-based care on a laptop


The Introduction to Interprofessional Team-Based Care modules cover the foundational knowledge of team-based care and collaborative practice. The modules use a case-based learning approach with realistic scenarios of patients and families seen in a variety of primary care settings. General categories of interprofessional competencies, such as knowledge of team members’ roles and communication and conflict-management strategies, are embedded in actual clinical situations and decisions.

These universal and easily accessible eLearning modules reflect Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC®) core competencies as well as key team-based applications for primary care.

Learning objectives in each module are directly connected to specific IPEC® competencies, making it easy to see exactly what skills and knowledge can be acquired through completion.

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Who it's for
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The modules in this series are a great learning and instructional tool for faculty, students, clinicians and other health professionals. Designed to be brief, engaging and relevant to all health professions, they can easily be integrated in face-to-face and distance learning courses, as well as clinical rotations, to support competency development in teamwork performance.


What will learners gain?
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Learners who complete all four modules will have foundational knowledge in interprofessional competencies such as roles and responsibilities, and communication and conflict-management strategies.


Course Overview
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The series is comprised of five, self-paced 20-30 minute video modules that include interactive features, knowledge checks and reflection to reinforce key concepts. Fully asynchronous, the modules can be easily incorporated into existing coursework.

Select topics include:

  • What is Interprofessional Education?
  • Interprofessional Communication: Communication in Healthcare Settings
  • Roles and Responsibilities: It Takes a Team!
  • Four Habits of High Performance Teams and Teamwork from a Person-Centered Perspective


Key Features
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  • All content related to IPEC® national interprofessional competencies
  • Instructional Companion Guides leveled for undergraduate and graduate learners
  • Personalized ASU CAIPER Certificate of Completion
  • Can be integrated in pre-existing courses, stackable credentials or other offerings within clinical, professional and academic settings
  • Self-paced and asynchronous
  • Mobile-friendly


Instructional Companion Guides
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Companion Guides support simple classroom implementation with ideas and resources for activities like group discussion, prompts for reflection, and the invitation to share clinical experiences from the field. The guides are individually leveled for both undergraduate and graduate learners.


Certificate of Completion and Digital Badges
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Learners will earn a personalized Certificate of Completion for each module they successfully complete, formalizing a learner’s efforts and providing documentation of interprofessional training on a given topic.

Digital Badges issued by the ASU Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CAIPER) coming in 2022.

The Introduction to Interprofessional Team-Based Care series was developed by CAIPER, and with support from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. The modules are currently free to use on an individual basis. 


The modules are currently free to use on an individual basis.

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I-TEAM By Design™ – Interprofessional Training in Empathy, Affect and Mindfulness

I Team by Design - Interprofessional Training in Empathy, Affect and Mindfulness


A four-hour accredited, fully online, and animated short-course focused on cultivating and optimizing interpersonal skills in team-based heathcare.

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