CAIPER Trainings
Core Interprofessional eLearning Modules
Introduction to Interprofessional Team-Based Care
These core interprofessional modules cover the foundational knowledge of team-based care and collaborative practice. The modules use a case-based learning approach with realistic scenarios of patients and families seen in a variety of primary care settings. General categories of interprofessional competencies, such as knowledge of team members’ roles, communication and conflict-management strategies, are embedded in actual primary care situations and decisions.
In 2020, the modules were updated to include instructional Companion Guides and Certificates of Completion. The Instructional Companion Guides include supplemental activities to implement module content into classroom and clinical experiences.
In 2024, the modules will be completely updated and re-released as a full eLearning course with digital badge and continuing education credits.
What is Interprofessional Education?
This module defines interprofessional education and describes its value to you in your practice. The module includes a case study and several interactive activities that highlight practical ways to recognize and optimize your teamwork experiences.
Preferred Attribution
Lamb, G. (2015, September). What Is Interprofessional Education? (Y. Price, Designer.) [Interactive video module]. Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix.
Interprofessional Communication: Communication in Healthcare Settings
This module provides examples of effective and ineffective communication and their impact on patient outcomes. A number of helpful tools for team communication are illustrated as well as strategies for communicating during difficult clinical situations.
Preferred Attribution
Bonifas, R. (2015, September). Interprofessional Communication: Communication in Healthcare Settings (Y. Price, Designer.) [Interactive video module]. Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix.
Roles and Responsibilities: It Takes a Team!
This module introduces the roles and responsibilities of interprofessional primary care team members. Interactive activities teach the skills needed to explain one's own role and responsibilities to patients, families and team members.
Preferred Attribution
Kennedy, T. (2016, February). Roles and Responsibilities: It Takes a Team! (Y. Price, Designer.) [Interactive video module]. Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix.
Four Habits of High Performance Teams and Teamwork from a Person-Centered Perspective
This module describes core values and principles that may be used to guide high performance teamwork.
Preferred Attribution
Saewert, K. J. (2017, May). Four Habits of High Performance Teams & Teamwork from a Person-Centered Perspective (Y. Price, Designer.) [Interactive video module]. Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix.
All modules and guides are free to use and share under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
For support, please email support.caiper@asu.edu.