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CAIPER Interprofessional By Design®

The Preceptor's Guide to the Nexus: Where Interprofessional Education Meets Collaborative Practice


The Preceptor's Guide to the Nexus is designed to support the important role played by practitioners across health professions who serve as preceptors for health professions students and teams. This guide pays not-so-subtle homage to Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in both title and lesson: when preparing health professions students for interprofessional collaborative practice, “Don’t Panic!”


Global guide objectives:

  1. Orient preceptors to the historical context of IPE.

  2. Introduce terms and concepts related to IPE and core competencies.

  3. Identify core and site-specific interprofessional activities.

  4. Describe how to transform a uni-professional student learning activity to an interprofessional activity.


What will I find in the guide?

This guide is intended as a practical resource for interprofessional preceptors. It is designed to orient preceptors to concepts and strategies that advance interprofessional practice and education (IPE) and support the role of preceptors in guiding the development of skills, experiences, and competencies to prepare health professions students for interprofessional collaborative practice. Contents include: 

  • Scholarly literature 

  • Practical tools 

  • Core, tailored, and standard learning activities 

  • Evaluation instruments 

  • Additional resources


Click the image below to view the guide online or download as a PDF.





Licensing and Use

This guide is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). You are free to share and copy the material in any medium or format under the following terms: 

  • Source attribution is included. Preferred format: 

Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (2018, October). CAIPER Interprofessional by Design™ Tool: The preceptor’s guide to the nexus: Where interprofessional education meets collaborative practice. T. Kennedy (Lead Author). [Open Educational Resource]. Retrieved from 

  • The materials are not used for commercial purposes. 
  • The materials are not remixed, transformed, or altered in any way without permission from ASU Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research.

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