The Director's Weekly Read
The Director’s Weekly Read is a bi-weekly post sharing articles personally curated by the Center’s Director, Dr. Barret Michalec. The Director’s Weekly Read showcases novel concepts in the interprofessional practice and education field to spark curiosity and new directions.

This article highlights how eLearning transcends logistical barriers such as scheduling conflicts and physical space limitations, ensuring that IPE is not just an add-on but a consistent and embedded part of healthcare education. By leveraging eLearning, institutions can create sustainable and accessible IPE experiences, reinforcing interprofessional competencies throughout a learner’s academic and professional journey.

With the upcoming launch of HIIT for Humility™, the latest Director's Weekly Read focuses on the mutually beneficial connective practices of humility and gratitude!

CAIPER Director, Barret Michalec, will be heading to the Graphic Medicine Conference in Athlone, Co Westmeath, Ireland, in July 2024. This Director’s Weekly Read highlights the upcoming conference as well as the power and reach of graphic medicine.

For this issue of the Director’s Weekly Read, we feature the recent work on Professional Humility. Here, Chris Arenson, Andreas Xyrichis and CAIPER Director, Barret Michalec, unpack the concept, discuss its value to IPE/IPCP and talk next steps.

CAIPER is currently conducting a scoping review of triggers & measures of emotional contagion in human subjects research and we came across this masterpiece. Trust, Fear, a Virtual Bar, Armpit Sweat... in a MASK. This article has it all! Tons of fun - enjoy this Director’s Weekly Read, and with “fear” in the title, it’s just in time for Halloween.

With the U.S. Surgeon General's recent report on the mental and physical costs of loneliness and isolation, this Director's Weekly Read highlights a fundamental, innate connectivity process - Emotional Contagion. We often neglect this superpower but it showcases just how connected we all actually are.

Procrastination tends to have purpose - for this week's Director's Weekly Read, we feature artist, Ashwin Chacko's Fruitful Life series (we are huge fans), and his recent feature on procrastination and self-reflection.

Psychological Safety is key to building team-ness. The first Director's Weekly Read of 2023 comes from the Harvard Business Review and outlines how leaders can facilitate Psychological Safety within their teams in specific situations. These are good notes to keep in mind in all team-based arenas.
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As the year comes to an end, two important topics for CAIPER in 2022 have been workplace culture and cultivating sense of community. So for this Director's Weekly Read, we feature the U.S. Surgeon General's Vice Admiral Dr. Vivek Murthy's Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being. Not only insightful, but full of excellent resources.

With Veterans Day approaching, this week's Director's Weekly Read is a unique and engaging look at humility from "the lens of military culture." For the past 20 years, author, Margaret Lane, has been working with the military veteran population and active duty military members in the Veterans Administration (VA).