Streaming Now! Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming

News & Events
April 20, 2020
On April 9th, 2020 CAIPER presented From Our Team to Yours: Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming, as part of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s series, Connecting at the Nexus: COVID-19 Edition.
When the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education reached out to CAIPER a few weeks ago and asked us to share our tips and tools on remote teaming, we were excited to contribute to our local and national communities during these times of unprecedented lifestyle and workplace change.
From Our Team to Yours: Strategies for Successful Remote Teaming, provides practical ways to support the rapid shift to a virtual workplace and working as part of a virtual team. Topics include:
- Tools to build digital agency and enhance team productivity and creativity
- Strategies to integrate team check-ins and connections at a distance
- Practical ways to keep team members engaged during virtual meetings
- What leaders can do to support virtual teaming
Visit the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s series, Connecting at the Nexus: COVID-19 Edition page to see other webinars from this series.